Introducing my BRAND NEW 3-Month  Psychic Development Program!

Get ready to accelerate your growth, clear your psychic channels and quantum shift your psychic skills! 

Did you know that your psychic senses are connected to your chakras? And if your chakras are blocked, you will not have access to that clair….

In this psychic skills training and personal development program, we will be concentrating on each of the seven “clairs” (the psychic senses) and how they connect to our chakra system. It’s a deep and fascinating study that will not only heighten your psychic senses but also create profound and permanent transformation in your life.

Clearing out the chakra blocks to our psychic abilities is key and most psychic teachers never focus on that critical aspect.

Psychic and spiritual masters call this process “clearing the channel.”

When we have a clear channel, we are able to receive even more crystal clear psychic information without it being colored by your own unresolved issues. This process also significantly increases your vitality, your vibration and the level of your consciousness—and this is what allows us to upgrade our psychic skills to the next level.


Get ready to take this transformative journey and emerge with amplified psychic powers. Reserve your spot now by clicking below!


Why “Clearing the Channel” is Your Ultimate Key to Transformation

Our psychic pathways can often be clouded by unresolved issues, energies, and blocks. Without a clear channel, our abilities remain dormant, and the powerful messages from the universe stay just beyond our grasp.

This masterclass, Clearing the Channel, offers a profound journey of enlightenment. In the 8 weeks we have together, you'll unlock deeper dimensions of your psychic abilities by:

→  Understanding and Embracing the "Clairs": Dive deep into each psychic sense, clearing blocks and amplifying their potential so that you can open up the psychic senses that you have always wanted to have.

→  Discovering a few NEW clairs you didn’t know you had! We actually have seven psychic senses and this is such a new concept that I had to make up names for three of them!

→  Chakra Alignment: Each psychic sense is deeply connected to a chakra. You'll cleanse, align, and activate these energy centers, unveiling abilities you never knew you had.

→  Improve Your Life on Every Level: Uplevel your vibration, vitality and consciousness so you can connect with the higher frequencies than ever before and create REAL shifts and improvements in your actual life. 

Lisa Roche

"I had no idea there were techniques for protecting and replenishing my energy so that not only would I be better at handling my skills, I wouldn't suffer from burnout! I can't Lisa enough for guiding my soul to harmony between giving and receiving. In addition to energy management, the level of my skills has increased enormously allowing me to flow with ease to receive information and facilitate healings. I am eternally grateful and look forward to continuing to learn and grow!"

Lydia Dustin

"I have always been psychic, but about 2 years ago my psychic abilities really popped open. I needed a crash course in everything psychic. I needed to learn as much as I could as soon as I could. When this program I was thrilled. I finally learned the foundational skills that I needed, like grounding, clearing, and shielding. I am a medium who clears houses and my favorite part was her lessons on psychic defense. I feel like I am ready to help my clients in any situation.  I learned so much and I refer back to my notes a lot."  


Don't waste another minute stumbling in the dark. Let me help you to accelerate your growth, clear your psychic channels, upgrade your psychic skills also create a powerful and permanent shift in your life! Click the link below to fill out a small application and Clearing Your Channel! 


Why you should do chakra work to be a better psychic, healer and human…

Are You Ready to Clear Your Chakras and Open up Your Psychic Channels?

I taught in an energy medicine/mystery school for 15 years and every year we went through each of the chakras. Each time, we did another round of it, I had massive and permanent changes at the deepest levels of my being and this showed up as real change in my life.

Doing spiritual and psychic work is wonderful, and it will bring up your “stuff” that needs to be tenderly examined, lovingly healed and gratefully released.

I know that psychic development and personal/spiritual growth are all part of the same package and you will experience incredible results on all levels of your being when you do it.

  • Chakra 1/Root: Activate your somatic psychic sense (Clair-somatic), release the block of fear so that you feel safe in the world and have a loving relationship with your body.
  • Chakra 2/Navel: Open your feeling psychic sense (clairsentience), release guilt and free yourself to live a life of passion where you are feeling pleasure of being alive and being in the flow.
  • Chakra 3/Solar Plexus: Increase your psychic sense of knowing (claircognizance), let go of shame and learn to truly stand in your power.
  • Chakra 4/Heart: Discovery the psychic nature of your heart (clair-relational), clear out grief and experience even more love in your life.
  • Chakra 5/Throat: Explore your auditory psychic sense (clairaudience), learn to find your true voice and to fearless speak up for yourself and how to deeply listen to others.
  • Chakra 6/Brow: Max out your visual psychic sense (clairvoyance), clear your thinking, open your mind and expand out your vision so that you can really see what’s going on.
  • Chakra 7/Crown: Open up this powerful psychic sense (clair-cosmic), releasing attachments along the way so that you can have a direct and personal experience with the divine when you need to.

Join us in this transformative journey and emerge with amplified psychic powers, a clearer connection to the universe, and an elevated sense of purpose. Space is limited. Secure your spot now and embark on a journey of awakening, realization, and psychic mastery.



Class Logistics

What Awaits You in This 8-Week Spiritual Odyssey?? This is a 8 week pre-recorded video class, with TWO BONUS weeks. There will be a Q&A at the end of every class.   All classes and Q&A/Process calls are recorded and emailed to you weekly.

  • Receive 8 weekly pre-recorded classes: Engaging, enlightening sessions packed with actionable steps and deep insights.  
  • Audio only file of the class
  • Receive TWO BONUS classes!
  • Guided Meditations & Exercises: Tools to help you clear, activate, and elevate.
  • Chakra Clearing Protocols: This is the homework that you can do to truly clear your chakra system and experience deep and permanent healing and transformation in all areas of your life.
  • Exclusive Access: Personalized attention, ensuring that your journey is tailored to your unique needs.
  • Community Support: Private Secret Facebook Group for community building

Price will be discussed at the time of our application call. **Due to the material taught in this class please fill out this quick and easy application.  I then invite you speak with me or one of my team members to discuss the class. 


Sandra Fraser

"I’m thankful I found this class, Lisa has helped me profoundly realize it’s much more than that! As a body worker, seeing clients all the time I knew I had good intuition, but now I am more confident in myself, in my abilities and I am able to work with clients on a deeper level. I feel I’m finally being fully me! I know myself better now. Lisa’s support through the whole course has been incredible. I can’t recommend this course highly enough!"

Chelsea Elizabeth

"Before this class, I didn't understand my psychic abilities and ignored this part of my life. I love how practical each lesson is and I repeat the guided meditations frequently. Because of this class I have a much greater understanding of myself and I have the confidence and tools to work with my abilities and continue integrating them into my life as they develop. Lisa is an incredible teacher and this class is life-changing!"



Meet your Instructor

Lisa Campion is the author of the #1 best-selling books The Art of Psychic Reiki, Energy Healing for Empaths, Awakening Your Psychic Ability and the Psychic Awakening Journal. She is a Psychic Counselor and Reiki Master Teacher with over 25 years of experience. Lisa has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and has done over 15,000 individual sessions.

She is also the host of the radio show and podcast, The Miracle of Healing on Mind Body Spirit FM. She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths and healers so that they can fully step into their gifts since the world needs all the healers that it can get!

Lisa started working as a psychic when she was just 19 years old and has conducted well over 15,000 individual sessions. She has been teaching Reiki for over 23 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and other energy medicine modalities.   She has a host of online Reiki and psychic development courses and is dedicated to helping people open up their own psychic and healing gifts with ease and grace.