A Must-Have Guide for Psychics, Sensitives Empaths, and Healers


Psychic Clinic for emerging Psychics, Sensitive Empaths, and Healers

You are about to discover the secrets of opening up your intuition, and using your intuition to help guide you to a soulful and fulfilling life, even if you are not sure you really are intuitive. (You are! Everyone is…)

YES, absolutely everyone has intuitive abilities however most people believe intuition is for those who are special. The truth is that we are all intuitive, but most of us rarely activate it. It’s a lot like building muscles; the more we work on it, the more intuitive we become. We just need to know how to tap into them.

In this must-have guide, you will receive my 5 top secrets at opening up your intuition

  1. The little-known way to open your Intuition and how to know when to trust your intuition and when not to.

  2. The step by step guide to Energy Management for Psychics, Senstivites, Empaths, and Healers so that you don’t burn out or get drained by your people.

  3. How to manage your emotions so that you can avoid feeling overwhelmed or even projecting your negative emotions onto others and ultimately feeling guilty about it a few minutes after.

  4. The real reason why you need to set your boundaries and a proven method that I use to protect myself (I had to learn it the hard way) while being a single mom serving our community, doing what I love, and supporting my family at the same time.

  5. My heart-centered ‘Tune In and Listening Guided Meditation’ to keep you aligned with your soul and avoid you blocked your intuition. (This happened to me more than a dozen times over the last three decades and I didn’t enjoy it at all!)


For the low cost of $27 discover the secrets of opening up your intuition, and using your intuition to help guide you to a soulful and fulfilling life.  


Lydia Dustin

"I have always been psychic, but about 2 years ago my psychic abilities really popped open. I needed a crash course in everything psychic. I needed to learn as much as I could as soon as I could. When this program I was thrilled. I finally learned the foundational skills that I needed, like grounding, clearing, and shielding. I am a medium who clears houses and my favorite part was her lessons on psychic defense. I feel like I am ready to help my clients in any situation.  I learned so much and I refer back to my notes a lot. "

Lisa Roche

"Lisa is a phenomenal teacher, mentor and an honor to apprentice under. The hands-on experience during her Psychic Reiki courses changed the trajectory of my practice, where I now offer an array of bonuses that I may have never known possible. Each class literally and figuratively cracked me open to allow for more profound healing and expand my capacity to hold space for others. Thank you, Lisa, for your trust and for helping me rise into the healer I am today.""  Psychic Medium and Energy Healer

Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To Me About Opening Up Your Intuition?

(So you can live a more soulful life…)

I am so excited to bring you this material, because my mission in life is to train emerging psychics, sensitive empaths, and healers to fully step into their gifts, since I truly believe that the world needs all the healers it can get.

When I was growing up in the 70’s and 80’s there were no psychics on TV, no books, no New Age book stores..nothing. I had to figure it all out the hard way and on my own. I spent a lot of time hiding my gifts and pretending to be normal in public, even when I was seeing and experiencing all kinds of psychic phenomenon.

Some of it was beautiful, some of it was weird and scary, it was rough not having anyone that I could talk to about it or learn from. I started working as a psychic when I was 19 years old and have been doing it ever since for the past 30+ years.

These days, I write the books that I wished I could have found in the library when I was a kid and I teach the psychic development classes that I longed for. I became the teacher and mentor that I was looking for.

I can’t go back in time and help myself, but I can help YOU!


Total value = $557

Today’s Price = $27

The 3 Life Changing Reasons Why You SHOULD Be Listening To Your Intuition

You want to be happy and live a fulfilling life, right? Then you should be listening to your intuition since that is how our soul and higher self, guides us on our journey.

Most of us make decisions using our logical minds. When we do that, we have a life that is logical and looks good on paper, but may not bring you actual soulful and fulfilling happiness. We need to loop into our decisions some guidance from our intuition.

Here are the reasons why:

  1. Your intuition is geared to your survival and knows what is real more often than our mind’s do. Your intuition might be signaling danger and your mind will blow it off.
  2. Your intuitive sense is connected to your life purpose and will guide you to a life that is more aligned with a higher purpose. Our ego selves aim too low and often in the wrong direction.
  3. Your intuition is always right about people, who you can trust and who you can’t. Then when we don’t listen, it is right when we get rolled.



Course 1 - Understanding and Accessing Your Intuition

In this class you will learn what your intuition really is since chances are that you have been getting fantastic guidance all along but you are probably not recognizing what it is and totally ignoring it. We are going to do some myth busting so you can easily recognize and trust  your intuition and also learn how to balance it with some good old common sense too.  You will walk away with the 3 things you must do to open up your inner guidance and also know the things that we do that actually shuts it all down.

Course 2 - How to Manage Your Energy Like a Boss (So you don’t get burned out and sucked dry by other people…)

Have you ever had that experience where someone just drains the life out of you? I know you have. Or maybe it happens in crowded places, or big box stores. As you open up your intuition and activate your energetic “antennae” you need some pretty powerful psychic self-defense and energy protection skills so you can open to your intuition and feel safe and protected. This is a game-changer in every aspect of your life and will help you be open, and out and about in the world without feeling unsafe and anxious and at the mercy of the energy vampires in your life.

Course 3 - Mining Your Emotions for Intuition Gold (And processing the rest)

As sensitives our emotions are our either our greatest superpower, or the biggest source of our pain and suffering. The difference is in learning to sort through and process your emotional states. Sadly, no one has ever taught you how to do this (it should be taught in grade school… honestly…) but it’s never too late to learn. Once you know this powerful skills, you can tell the difference between a soulful, intuitive emotions and a reactive one and get all the guidance you need without being overwhelmed by your emotions.

Course 4 - Learning to Read Signs and Omens

This is where the magic starts to happen! Signs, omens and synchronicities are the whispers from the universe and are confirmation and validation for your intuitive hits. But you need to learn how to recognize and analyze what they mean, so you can get that confirmation. In this class you will discover what signs, omens and synchronicities look like and how to recognize and act on them so you don’t miss this amazing gift.

Course 5 - Tuning In and Listening Guided Meditation

Bring it all together in this relaxing and inspiring guided meditation that will give you your own, deep and inspiring experience of your intuition. Learn how to tune in and experience your inner guidance for yourself, anytime and anywhere you need it.


For the low cost of $27 discover the secrets of opening up your intuition, and using your intuition to help guide you to a soulful and fulfilling life.  



This workbook will bring you step-by-step through the process of opening up your intuition and is chock full of information and exercises to make it all real for you.


Receive my Grounding Meditation.  This powerful guided meditation will help you ground instantly no matter where you are. And the more you practice it, the more grounded you become over time.


Receive my Ground, Clear, and Protect Meditation.  Do this guided meditation anytime you need strong psychic protection or with any situation that normally overwhelms you.  It will teach you to protect yourself in tough situations like shopping, going to work, or difficult people. 


Receive my Inner Sanctuary Meditation.  This peaceful and calm guided meditation will help you tap into your own inner wisdom.  It is perfect to use anytime that you have a question about something and need information, answers, or guidance about your life.


Total value = $557

Today’s Price = $27

30 Day Money back Guarantee

We guarantee this course will help for emerging Psychics, Sensitive Empaths, and Healers in your healing journey or your money back.