Psychic Reiki Academy presents
Online Reiki Course with Lisa Campion
What if you could increase your psychic abilities and take your Reiki training to the next level at the same time?
Double the power of your Reiki by learning Psychic Reiki Level II including opening up your psychic ability. This is the Practitioner’s Level so if you want to see clients, you really need this level.
- Unlock the power of the Reiki II symbols so you can do physical, emotional and mental healing to create lasting healing in your Reiki recipients. Let the symbols do the heavy lifting for you!
- Step-by-step instructions for doing long distance healing so you can take care of people remotely, all over the world, from the comfort of your own home – without burning out and getting drained by people
- Receive a Psychic Reiki Level II attunement that will bring your psychic abilities to the next level, enabling you to connect deeply with your spirit guides and get more psychic messages for your clients - and learn to manage your psychic gifts so you don’t feel confused and overwhelmed
- A practical and complete guide of the hand positions for someone on a Reiki table so you never have to wonder what to do in a Reiki session ever again
- My trade secrets to help you do Reiki at a more professional level, including how to do an intake, what kind of table you might need and how to set up your Reiki room, so you can attract Reiki clients to you like a professional
What is Psychic Reiki?
I created my own style of Reiki, which I call Psychic Reiki, and wrote a best-selling books about it, called The Art of Psychic Reiki. I did this because I noticed that learning Reiki often really opens up people’s psychic abilities. This can be scary and destabilizing if you don’t have the proper support and training you need to accept and maximum your psychic and intuitive gifts.
Or activating your psychic abilities can give you an exciting and powerful toolset for you to use not only in your own life, but also in your Reiki sessions with others.
The truth is - we can’t get there on our own, we need training to help us accentuate and integrate our psychic abilities when they open up.
Good thing I love to do that! And I hope you let me do that for you.

"My mission in life is to create an army of healers to go out and save the world - since it needs saving more than ever right now. I hope you join me on this quest!"
The 3 Life Changing Reasons Why You Should Learn Psychic Reiki II Right Now

If you read the best-selling book by Reiki Master Teacher Lisa Campion author of The Art of Psychic Reiki: Developing Your Intuitive and Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing – this is the place to learn Reiki!
Psychic Reiki Level II will help open up your psychic abilities and increase the power of your Reiki treatments considerably. It really is the next step if you want to go more deeply into your Reiki journey and become a Reiki practitioner. Even if you don’t want to work professionally doing Reiki, it will give you the next set of skills to do deeper, more powerful healings, including long distance healings - something that we really need these days!
- It will help you learn to manage your energy and not feel drained and burned out by people in your daily life. Psychic Reiki II is perfect if you already work hands on with others, are in a helping or care giving situation or just generally find that being around other people makes you tired.
- The long distance healing techniques are a game changer - you can do powerful healings on friends and family that live far away, and also send Reiki energy to anyone or any situation across the globe and truly make an impact in the world.
- Practicing Reiki always increases our psychic abilities, but there is something about the Reiki level II attunement that really opens and accelerates most people’s psychic abilities. If you are searching for ways to become more psychic and learn how to manage that gift, this level of Psychic Reiki is for you!
“I believe more than anything that the world needs all the healers it can get. Learning Reiki heals us, connects us, and helps us to integrate our healing, psychic, and empathic abilities in a healthy way.”
Click below to get all the details on how you can begin your Reiki journey TODAY!
LEVEL UP TODAY!Why You Should Study Psychic Reiki Level II with Me??
I am not exaggerating when I say that Reiki changed my life. I first learned Reiki back in 1999 and I had already been working as a psychic counselor, since I was 19 years old. I loved being able to add Reiki into my psychic counseling sessions.
I fell in love with Reiki, and the miracles that it created in my life and the people that I was working with, and have been teaching it ever since. It changed my life on every level.
My psychic abilities increased and I was able to work through and heal many old issues that were holding me back from reaching my potential on all levels of my life.
As I started teaching Reiki, I saw how it created powerful personal and spiritual growth and healing in so many others too, it’s like walking through a doorway into a deeper level of your spiritual life and personal healing.
I have done over 15,000 individual sessions since then and have attuned and trained thousands of people to Reiki.
I have taught physicians, nurses and others in the medical professions, body workers who are adding Reiki to their tool kit, and many spiritual seekers who are opening up to their own healing and want to pass that healing to others. And they all discover that Reiki gives them the power to heal, right in their own hands.
I truly feel like I am giving each of my students a tremendous gift of healing- so they can keep healing themselves and also bring that healing to other people too. It’s spreading more and more light around the world- which we really need right now!

What To Expect?
This class has two options, the LIVE or EMAIL option. In both you will receive 16 Pre-recorded Modules in video/audio format, taught by Lisa Campion. Once signed up for this class you will be able to begin RIGHT away! You can take class all at once or at your own pace and what is even better is that you can do the class from the comfort of your own living room. Already taken Reiki and just need a REFRESHER??? No problem check out those options by CLICKING HERE!! Receive hours of video instruction including:
- Receive 16 Pre-recorded Modules (over 6 hours!) of Reiki video.
- An invite to join her Art of Psychic Reiki facebook group.
- An introduction to the Reiki Level II symbols including where they came from and how to use them on yourself and others.
- How to do a long distance healing session using the Reiki symbols.
- A complete guide to hand positions for someone on a Reiki table.
- Understanding and developing your psychic skills and how to work with your Reiki guides including a meet your guides meditation.
- Psychic self-defense for Reiki practitioners.
- Ethics, insurance and other legal issues for practitioners.
- Helping someone through an emotional release.
- Understand the layers of the aura and how to work with them in Reiki.
- Your Reiki II certification AND SOOOO much more!
PLUS BONUSES that include: A PDF Of Lisa's Psychic Reiki II Manual, Two BONUS audio meditations, and her Healer’s Journey: From Pain to Purpose Master Course Part Two
An Introduction to the Reiki II Symbols
How to Use the Reiki II Symbols
Long Distance Healing Sessions
The Reiki Level II Attunement
Hand Positions - Series One
Hand Positions - Series Two
Working with Your Reiki Guides
Meet Your Reiki Guide Meditation
Psychic Self Defense for Reiki Practitioners
Ethics and Legal Issues
Doing the Emotional Work with Your Clients
Setting Up Your Reiki Room
The Human Energy Field - Part Two The Layers of the Aura
Conclusion and Moving onto Psychic Reiki Master Level III

Meet your Instructor
Lisa Campion is the author of the #1 best-selling books The Art of Psychic Reiki, Energy Healing for Empaths, Awakening Your Psychic Ability and the upcoming book Psychic Awakening Journal. She is a Psychic Counselor and Reiki Master Teacher with over 25 years of experience. Lisa has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and has done over 15,000 individual sessions.
She is also the host of the radio show and podcast, The Miracle of Healing on Mind Body Spirit FM. She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths and healers so that they can fully step into their gifts since the world needs all the healers that it can get!
Lisa started working as a psychic when she was just 19 years old and has conducted well over 15,000 individual sessions. She has been teaching Reiki for over 23 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and other energy medicine modalities. She has a host of online Reiki and psychic development courses and is dedicated to helping people open up their own psychic and healing gifts with ease and grace.