Are You Called to be a Healer?
And are you ready to go pro?
Do you want to quit your boring, soul sucking day job and start making actual money doing something you really love?
Join me in this FREE webinar to learn my unique, proven method about how you can become a professional psychic healer in just 12 months.
Get All The Tools You Need To Become A Professional Healer and more!
If you are ready to take your healing skills to the next level and become a professional psychic healer, I have the path all laid out just for you, with a proven process that really works. And I want you to get there easily and in a joyful, supportive community with others.
It took me over 30 years of working as a psychic healer, doing over 15k sessions and training thousands of people in psychic developments and energy medicine modalities like Reiki to learn this method, and I am eager to share it with you so that you can avoid all the truly spectacular mistakes that I have made along the way. (I am still cringing about some of them, and I will share those too… yikes..)
I have distilled my knowledge and experience into a process that will get you there in 12 months.
Fill out the form below to register for this FREE webinar and find out how you can get the right knowledge, training, and mentorship to go out and heal the world!
Sandra Fraser
"As a body worker, seeing clients all the time I knew I had good intuition. I’m thankful I found this class, Lisa has helped me profoundly realize it’s much more than that! I am more confident in myself, in my abilities and I am now able to work with clients on a deeper level. I feel I’m finally being fully me! Like I know myself better now. Lisa’s support through the whole course has been incredible. I can’t recommend this course highly enough!"
In this free webinar, I am going to share with you the 4 skills you must have in order to get clients, make actual money and not burn out while you are doing it. To run a professional level psychic healer practice that has you making real money while you are helping people, you need to master four things -
- My tried and true method for maximizing your psychic skills, so that your psychic information is insightful, accurate and available on demand- and you know how to manage your energy, so you don’t burn out.
- How to easily magnetize clients that adore what you do, joyfully pay you fee and not only keep coming back for more, but also send all their people.

- Level up your clinical skills so you know how to competently handle all the difficulties and traumas that our clients bring us on the daily. You need real skills that will help you handle the hard and deep issues that clients bring you. (No one ever comes to my office cuz they are having a good day, right?)
- Discover the real reason why healers who have done the most inner work have a unending line of clients queuing up for their services, and you how you can lovingly master your inner self so you can get out of your own way and quit sabotaging yourself.
For me, being a professional psychic is the coolest and best job ever - I am thrilled to be able to offer this to you in a beautiful and easy package that gives you everything you need to have a line a clients out your door, effortlessly filling your calendar, gratefully paying your fee and sending you all their people too.
Fill out the form below to register for this FREE webinar and find out how you can get the right knowledge, training, and mentorship to go out and heal the world!

My mission in life is to create an army of healers to go out there and save the world. And the world needs saving right about now.
Being a healer is a soul level calling. I know it was for me, and it is for the many people that I have trained over the past 30 years.
Maybe you are hearing that little voice, stirring inside of you, that whispers to you that you are meant to be a healer.
It’s time to honor and listen to that voice. And if you look inside your heart, you might find that it’s time to act on it. (Now is the time!)
You can add your light to this mission. I love seeing people’s gifts and helping polish up those gifts so you can go out and help all the people that you are meant to help. All those people who supposed to be your clients are out there waiting for YOU, since you are unique and so is the service that you are bringing to the world.
As we go through this massive shift in human consciousness, millions of people are waking up to who they truly are. And that means that you need to be fully in your power so you can be there to midwife the awakening of everyone else.
In order to do that, you need to have the right knowledge, training, mentorship, and a community of other healers to support you so that you can go out and you know… save the world.
Register for this free webinar to find out how to do it.
Fill out the form below to register for this FREE webinar and find out how you can get the right knowledge, training, and mentorship to go out and heal the world!