Jane Bear
Enjoy a amazing video discussing How Quantum Shifts Your Life with Guided Meditation. Get your FREE gift here https://www.janebearhealingstudio.com/opt-in-page
Jane Bear guides humans who feel stuck and are seeking spiritual alignment toward reestablishing the connection to their authentic self. Jane uses a unique and powerful mix of quantum energy work and her psychic abilities to help people heal themselves, so that together we can heal the world. Inside every human there is an amazing badass, full of potential that is sometimes hard to see or reach. As a Soul Based Dharma Coach, Jane sees your life purpose as your highest offering to the world. Her soul based psychic readings help to uncover your own unique excellence while holding your center along the way. This waking of your soul and discovering your unique purpose helps you navigate through the uncertainty of the world that we are all facing right now, and brings you into the highest fulfillment of your greatest potential- your soul's mission. By doing our own inner healing you bring healing and transformation to your own life and to the world. For more details on Jane visit www.janebearhealingstudio.com
Kate Duffy
Stop the Chaos It's a robust 4-part video training (PLUS 2 bonus videos) that is packed with information and actionable steps families can take to disrupt the cycle of addiction and get their whole family on a path to recovery. In this introductory family training, we teach the foundational principles of our transformational family-centered recovery model. Get your FREE gift here https://recoverymastery.com/stc-lisa-intuitive-insights
Kate Duffy is Family Addiction Expert, Interventionist, and Coach who has been in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction for over ten years. For the past eight years, she has helped addicts and their families finally learn to communicate without the cloud of addiction. The result is a breakthrough program that takes a holistic view of the individual within the family system and helps families provide their loved ones with the absolute best chance at lasting recovery. For more details on Kate visit https://www.tippingpointrecovery.com/
Kate Eckman
Sign up below for your free download of "Step 1: Stretch Your Comfort Zone" from Kate's award-winning book, The Full Spirit Workout: A 10-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun & Fulfilling Life. Discover research-backed strategies that will help you get real with yourself and experience more success and fulfillment in every area of your life. She'll also share mind-body-spirit exercises to empower you to break through blocks, build inner strength, and accomplish your goals. Get your FREE gift here https://www.kateeckman.tv
Kate Eckman is the author of The Full Spirit Workout: A Ten-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun and Fulfilling Life. She is a broadcast journalist and TV personality who brings her expertise in communications, performance, and mindfulness to her practice as a success coach for business leaders and professional athletes. For more details on Kate visit kateeckman.tv. and www.thefullspiritworkout.com
Kayse Gehret
Enjoy this engaging and info-rich 80-minute Workshop on Microdosing for Creativity, Healing & Personal Discovery! Get your free gift here https://soulsticespa.ck.page/78c8e754d5
Kayse Gehret is a nature-based healing artist, author and founder based in Northern California. With nearly three decades of experience in the healing arts, Kayse leads Microdosing for Healing - a nationwide virtual community around earth medicine practice - as well as the Best Practices Healing Community Mastermind - a global collective of diverse healing artists & health professionals brought together for learning, strategy, growth, collaboration and visioning new healing models for the future. For more details on Kayse feel free to visit http://www.microdosingforhealing.com
Lisa McCourt
Discover your "Joy Setpoint" (and how to raise it!) We all have a spot of homeostasis where our joy comes to rest. Get your free gift here https://lisamccourt.com/#freegift
Lisa McCourt wasn’t always a joyful person, but once she found the surefire path to sustainable joy, she devoted her career to sharing that roadmap with others. Lisa says, “More than anything, I just want to be an effective member of the team that’s elevating the level of love and joy in the world.” Her positions on that team have included writing dozens of mega-selling books (in her own name, and as a ghostwriter), founding her online Joy School at LisaMcCourt.com, hosting her Do Joy! podcast, and collaborating on countless projects with other popular teachers of consciousness and joyful living. For more details on Lisa feel free to visit https://lisamccourt.com/.
Cate Montana
Want to know what's going on in the world and why? Want to know how to use your intuition to rise to the times and totally THRIVE? Get your FREE gift here https://catemontana.com/cracking-the-matrix-pdf-download/.
A professional journalist specializing in consciousness & spirituality, alternative medicine and health, Cate Montana is the author of several books, including Cracking the Matrix: 14 Key to Individual & Global Freedom and The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials. She has a master’s degree in psychology and speaks and teaches about consciousness, ego identity, and mysticism. She is a highly entertaining and compelling guest on radio and TV shows and podcasts. For more details on Kate visit www.catemontana.com.
Jacob Nordby
Creative Self Journaling Program. Learn to use a therapist-tested program designed to help you
Listen to yourself, Clarify your needs and desires, Restore the connection to your inner creative self, Identify limiting beliefs and patterns, and imagine and take action toward to life you were meant to live. What if you could use this practice in about ten minutes per day? Get your FREE gift here https://www.healcreate.org/creative-self-journaling-program-gift/
Jacob Nordby is a writer living in Boise, Idaho. You might find him on a trail in the nearby foothills or typing away in the quietest corner of a coffee shop downtown. He is the co-founder of the Institute for Creative Living and A Writing Room community. For more details on Jacob visit www.jacobnordby.com or facebook.com/jacobnordby
Lauren Sapala
Lauren Sapala details the 3 biggest “Do’s and Don’ts” of Intuition. Get your FREE gift here https://laurensapala.com/intuition-free-gift/
Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ Writer, Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers, and The INFJ Revolution. She blogs about writing, creativity and personality theory at laurensapala.com. For more details on Lauren visit https://laurensapala.com/ or https://www.youtube.com/c/LaurenSapalaINFJ
Kelle Sparta
Do you find that someone else's strong feelings can make you doubt your own? Do you have a hard time knowing what YOU want, but are always really clear what everyone else wants? Are you constantly monitoring the emotional state of the room? Then you're an empath. Get your gift here https://kellespartaenterprises.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1144322
Kelle Sparta is a spiritual coach for over-achievers and high-performers on a spiritual path. Her spiritual evolution series puts you on the express train getting you to your highest, most powerful self in 1/10th the time of trying to figure it all out on your own. Her podcast, Spirit Sherpa, has had over 275,000 downloads and has been heard in 191 countries around the world. Her book, The Over-Achiever's Guide To Nailing Your Spiritual Growth in Record Time, is a curriculum for spiritual seekers and explains how to evolve from one level to the next. She has been studying for 48+ years, coaching professionally for 27 years, is a psychic, a medium, a channel, an energy healer, and an empath. For more details on Kelle feel free to visit www.KelleSparta.com
Kelly Sullivan Walden
The Awakened Dreamer Masterclass with Kelly Sullivan Walden and Rassouli will awaken you to the power of your dreams. In this 1-hour video you'll receive the insight to awaken to the power within to live a wild and lucid life. $100 value. Get your FREE gift here www.KellySullivanWalden.com/psychicawakening (password: psychicawakening)
Kelly Sullivan Walden (aka Doctor Dream) is an award-winning, international bestselling author of 7 oracle decks and ten books, her latest is A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste: The Art of Transforming the Tragic into Magic (recommended by Shirley MacLaine, named NYC Big Book Award’s Distinguished Favorite, Woman’s World Book of the Week and Aspire Magazine’s top 10 Most Inspirational books). Kelly is a dream expert, certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, podcast host, and workshop facilitator, Kelly holds a doctorate degree in interfaith studies. She’s a regular contributor to Insider magazine (with 250 million subscribers, world-wide). For more details on Kelly visit www.KellySullivanWalden.com
Kate Vanden Bos
The SoulPath Explorer Collection is a curated selection of tools and resources that you can use every day, in practical ways, to enhance your ability to navigate your own internal landscape and align yourself to your soul’s true path. This exclusive gift bundle includes free membership to the SoulPath Explorer monthly portal (where Lisa Campion will be featured as a guest this month!), the Get Grounded! audio adventure, special glimpses into the Growth Cycle virtual experience, and guidance on navigating the unique path that your soul is calling for you to explore.
Get your FREE gift here https://katevandenbos.com/explorercollection-lc/
Kate Vanden Bos is an intuitive guide, nature-based coach and creator of the SoulPath series. Kate’s mission is to empower, inspire, and guide awakening women to have the courage to live a soul-aligned life. To discover the confidence that comes from fearlessly walking, with clarity and belief, down the path that is your unique birthright. You can find out more about her, and her SoulPath work, at katevandenbos.com. For more details on Kate visit https://katevandenbos.com